Does your child have an IEP or 504?
Join us for the Mild/Moderate Information Parent Support Group where frequently an expert speaker presents on specific topics.
Attend this meeting via Zoom
The 3rd Thursday of the Month (September through May) 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
See the DCSEAC Calendar , a few dates vary due to school breaks
Planned presentations:
September 19th - open group discussion and welcome back to school
October 24th - Have questions or concerns about medications, join us as we host Dr. Gutierrez, Child and Adolescent psychiatrist from Family Care Center
November 21st - Kelli Smith (DCSD Director of Health, Wellness, and Prevention) will present about bullying
December 19th - Ellen Kerkoff (DCSD Mental Health), Stephanie Crawford (DCSD Mental Health Director), and Kelli Smith (DCSD Director of Health, Wellness, and Prevention) to discuss the IEP and 504 evaluation and mental health support
Zoom Meeting ID: 863 1963 2489
Passcode: DCSEAC
Contact: group facilitators Meredith Daly and Tashia White email